Book An Appointment with US
In Office (Located Northwest of Weldon, SK)
Visit our in office booking page here
- Directions will be given upon booking by email
- Payment required at appointment
- Payments accepted; debit, credit, etransfer, cash
- Subscriber, sliding scale & gift certificates applied at appointment
Virtual Appointments (links will be sent by email)
Visit our Virtual Appointments booking page here
- Links provided in confirmation email
- Pre-payment required to book
- Only credit accepted unless arrangements made for e-transfer, paypal, etc
- If using app subscriber discounts, please use app link to book.
- If on an approved sliding scale, please contact Shannon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make arrangements. This must be applied for in advance.
- Canadian eTransfers & Paypal also accepted. Please send information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the time slot requested and we will send a payment request to you for these options and administer a temporary 2 hour block on that times slot
We require 24 hours notice for cancellation. You can re-book through the links provided in the emails. We will not re-imburse any funds under 24 hours.