
We do accept Bitcoin or Etherum. However we are not set up to take it automatically.


Here are the steps to Book:

    1. Check our regular schedule (by going through the regular Appointment booking link to determine at least 2-3 slots of choice (to allow for real time processing with fiat currency by others). Just don't process that appointment.


    2. Email Shannon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange for Bitcoin/Etherum Payment. Email the time requests as well. The first one available, Shannon will place on reservation for your Bitcoin/Etherum Payment to arrive. Please note we recommend that you make up to three choices from our schedule because Shannon does not monitor this email address minute by minute.


    3. Shannon will email you with the Bitcoin/Etherum address to send your payment to and the amount. Once received, Your appointment verification will be sent out.



Please note that Bitcoin/Etherum prices change minute by minute. We cannot guarantee their exact worth but will send according to the currency value at that time. Please add on any applicable charges that your crypto wallet may add on.